Fixability Score

To provide a repair-friendliness score for various products, we plan to evaluate them on the following:

  • What is the product's iFixit repairability rating?

  • Does the product have better-than-average warranty period for its segment?

  • Has the product been listed on Indian Government's Right To Repair portal?

  • Are the repair manuals available to public without any cost?

  • Does the manufacturer sell replacement parts for the product?

  • Is the product made of standardized parts which can be bought from other vendors?

  • is the product available for direct purchase in India (without having to import it and going through customs) ?

  • Does the manufacturer provide repair services in India?

  • Is the product made or assembled in India?

  • Are the product schematics, firmware source code and CAD designs available as open-source?

  • Is the product certified by OSHWA?

  • Is the manufacturer website properly archived on Waybackmachine / to provide traceable history for various documentation and policies?

  • Can the device use standard USB-PD for power/charging?

Last updated